Sustainable Development

Kozani, Florina and the Municipality of Megalopolis in Arcadia, belong to the EU regions with the greatest dependence on fossil fuels. These areas face the consequences of the multi-year and one-sided focus on lignite activity, in contrast and to the detriment of all others, but also the inaction of previous years in preparing a new, balanced and sustainable development model.

It is worth noting that the Greek Government is committed to the withdrawal of lignite plants by 2028, in a coordinated and responsible manner, making it a top priority to secure jobs and utilize the know-how of human resources in these areas.

For a just development transition of the lignite regions of Western Macedonia and Megalopolis, the Government set three political priorities – axes:

  • safeguarding employment, securing jobs and creating new ones,
  • offsetting the socio-economic effects of de-lignification by maintaining and strengthening the social fabric; and
  • ensuring the energy self-sufficiency of the transition areas and the country in general, while developing the local economy.

Just Transition Development Plan (master plan)

Taking into consideration all of the axes above, it was decided to draw up a comprehensive, ambitious, yet realistic Just Transition Development Plan (JTDP), as a roadmap for the restructuring of the productive model of the transition areas, while capitalizing on the diverse comparative advantages with which these areas are endowed and all available sources of funding (national, European and private). The implementation of the plan will make Greece a pioneer in Europe and an international example of best practice for equitable transition and economic development.

The “Just Transition Development Plan of lignite areas” is based on five development pillars, as follows: Clean energy, Industry and trade, Smart agricultural production, Sustainable tourism, Technology and education. It includes enhanced investment incentives to attract investments, as well as specific land uses for the tens of thousands of acres of land of lignite fields being released.

The total amount of funding, including the necessary leverage of private resources, is estimated to exceed 5 billion euros, from EU and national resources, with the main vehicle being the new independent Operational Program for the Just Transition of the new NSRF 2021-2027.

Enterprise Greece engagement

Enterprise Greece, as the official investment and trade promotion agency of the Greek state, will assist the Steering Committee of the “Just Transition Development Plan of lignite areas of Western Macedonia and Megalopolis”, through forming a special Task Force, which will undertake a series of actions and their implementation, aiming at attracting and supporting investments in Western Macedonia and Megalopolis. Especially for this purpose, Enterprise Greece, has created a new email account: to receive and handle all relevant queries and/or requests.


For more information on the Just Transition Development Plan, please follow the link: