
Greece 2023 Exports-Imports (provisional data – Hellenic Statistical Authority)

According to the most recent (provisional) data by the Hellenic Statistical Authority, the total amount of exports for 2023 reached €50,920 million, compared to €55,762.2 million in 2022, decreased by 8.7%. Excluding petroleum products, exports decreased by 3.0% during the same period (to €35,174.2 million from €36,245.5 million in 2022), and by 3.2% excluding both petroleum products and ships (to €34,966.3 million from €36,133.8 million).

Fuel accounts for the largest share of exports in 2023 (32.4%), followed by food and live animals (14.9%), manufactured products classified mainly by material (14.4%), and chemicals (11.6%).

The total value of imports in 2023 amounted to €81,965.6 million, compared to €94,552.7 million in 2022, a decrease of 13.3%. Excluding petroleum products, the decrease was 4.1% (to €60,496.6 million from €63,054.7 million), while excluding both petroleum products and ships, imports decreased by 3.9% (to €60,173.0 million euros from €62,629.4 million).

Fuel accounts for the largest share of imports in 2023 (27.8%), followed by transport machinery and equipment (20.2%), and chemicals (14.2%).

Destination countries

Greek exports to other European Union (EU) member-states amounted to 57.0% of total Greek exports in 2023 − demonstrating the bloc’s continued importance as a destination for Greek products.

The main destination countries for Greek exports in value terms for 2023 were:

  • Italy (11.6%)
  • Bulgaria (7.0%)
  • Germany (6.7%)
  • Cyprus (6.5%)
  • USA (4.2%)
  • Spain (4.1%)

Noteworthy increases in 2023 Greek exports were observed in the following countries*:

  • Argentina (+434.36%)
  • Cameroon (+269.06%)
  • Malaysia (+241.86%)
  • Moldova (+195.13%)
  • Iraq (+160.56%)
  • Ukraine (+142.38%)
  • Algeria (+49.73%)
  • Estonia (+40.44%)
  • Egypt (+33.59%)
  • Kosovo (+27.36%)

(*Selected countries where Greek exports were greater than €50million in value in 2023).

Countries of origin

The EU was also an important source of imports, accounting for 50.5% of Greek imports in 2023.

The main source countries for Greek imports in value terms for 2023 were:

  • Germany (10.6%)
  • China (8.4%)
  • Italy (8.2%)
  • Iraq (6.4%)
  • Netherlands (6.1%)
  • France (4.4%)

Total merchandise trade

Overall, Greek merchandise trade transactions (exports + imports) amounted to €132,885.6 million in 2023.

Exports of goods in 2023 were less than imports, but the trade deficit decreased by 20%, and it was mostly offset by Greek exports of services, such as shipping, tourism, financial services, etc.

Import – Export Data

Greek Exports by Country (in millions of euros)

COUNTRY 2023 2022 2021
ITALY 5,883 6,459 4,293
BULGARIA 3,541 4,550 2,025
GERMANY 3,412 3,557 2,925
CYPRUS 3,300 3,261 2,567
USA 2,117 2,228 1,608
SPAIN 2,073 2,109 1,194
UNITED KINGDOM 1,936 2,155 1,310
ROMANIA 1,826 1,835 1,390
TURKEY 1,818 2,502 2,059
FRANCE 1,793 1,692 1,872
LIBYA 1,580 1,851 1,006
LEBANON 1,425 1,582 1,173
NETHERLANDS 1,275 1,216 903
GIBRALTAR 1,153 1,211 521
OTHERS 16,407 17,786 14,600
Total 50,920 55,762 40,319

Greek Imports / Country (in million Euros)


COUNTRY 2023 2022 2021
GERMANY 8,662 8,655 7,175
CHINA 6,901 7,908 5,009
ITALY 6,700 6,799 5,790
IRAQ 5,255 6,791 4,140
NETHERLANDS 4,994 4,533 3,658
FRANCE 3,633 3,441 2,691
KAZAKHSTAN 3,390 2,658 2,221
SPAIN 3,027 2,841 2,329
BULGARIA 3,023 3,662 2,422
TURKEY 2,725 2,898 2,497
RUSSIA 2,446 9,334 4,302
BELGIUM 2,265 2,447 2,083
LIBYA 2,031 2,419 865
POLAND 1,526 1,408 1,125
USA 1,503 3,456 1,432
OTHERS 23,885 25,303 18,093
Total 81,966 94,553 65,832


Greek Exports / Sector (in million Euros)

SECTOR 2023 2022 2021
Food and live animals 7,581 6,987 5,892
Beverages and tobacco 1,279 1,152 925
Inedible crude materials except fuels 1,582 1,941 1,882
Mineral fuels, lubricants, etc. 16,476 20,996 11,589
Oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin 1,436 1,050 745
Chemical products 5,925 6,047 5,662
Manufactured products classified mainly by material 7,356 8,134 6,242
Transport machinery and equipment 5,040 4,987 3,881
Various industrial items 3,637 3,773 2,965
Items and transactions not classified by category 607 696 537
Total 50,920 55,762 40,319

Greek Imports / Sector (in million Euros)

SECTOR 2023 2022 2021
Food and live animals 8.476 8.306 6.504
Beverages and tobacco 967 865 676
Inedible crude materials except fuel 1,999 2,328 1,822
Mineral fuels, lubricants, etc. 22,770 33,532 17,303
Oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin 488 570 371
Chemical products 11,671 12,399 10,998
Manufactured products classified mainly by material 9,573 10,723 7,807
Transport machinery and equipment 16,565 15,762 12,429
Various industrial items 8,754 8,826 6,764
Items and transactions not classified by category 702 1,240 1,158
Total 81,966 94,551 65,832

Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), provisional data processed by Enterprise Greece. Small differences in total by country and sector are due to revisions by ELSTAT.